Pipián Verde 


A simple Mexican green mole, Pipián Verde gets it’s name from using toasted pumpkin seeds to add flavor. Use this pumpkin seed sauce to drizzle onto meats, as a sauce on tacos or burritos, or as a delicious green enchilada sauce.

What You'll Need

Tomatillos Chicken Broth Garlic Onions Serrano Chiles Pumpkin Seeds Sesame Seeds

Mexican Oregano Cumin Lime Juice Cilantro Salt Black Pepper

Add pumpkin seeds to a skillet, and toast over medium high heat for about 10 minutes. Set aside.

In a large skillet, add olive oil, then add tomatillos, quartered onions, peppers, and garlic cloves.


Add the vegetables to a blender or food processor, along with toasted pumpkin seeds, poultry broth, cilantro, and spices. Blend until smooth.


Serve with your favorite roasted meat dishes and plenty of warm corn tortillas!